ENVÍO GRATIS dentro de Europa en todos los pedidos superiores a 40 €

Ladies and gentlemen, we got him! † Diego Fraile

It was not easy but we've finally found him. His real name is Diego Fraile but he was going by the name of "Diego Londrino". We have him in captivity now, at our headquarters, and since he was charged with penal servitude we took advantage of his great skills for Graphic Design and obliged him to help us out with our Branding Strategy and Art Direction.

From here we want to thank the Jefferson County Convict Camp #7 for having transferred us their most talented prisoner. Diego Fraile, serving sentence with the number 12987, has made our logo, labels, illustrations and has also being a great piece of advice for many other projects such as Fashion Design, Screen Printing or Lean Management. 

From Throttlesnake's HQ we hope that this yardbird never manages to get out, as with his liberty we would be losing our most talented convict... and oh boy we have great plans for his well-skilled hands!

And just in case you were wondering, the guy next to Diego is founder Oscar Mansilla AKA Oscar Nivoro, he's also been a little scoundrel back in the days next to his mate Diego, or should we say, inmate... 


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